Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mystery Readers Wanted!

With our school year winding down, we invite anyone who hasn't had a chance to surprise us as a Mystery Reader to sign up for a turn.  We absolutely LOVE waiting to see who walks in the door each Friday afternoon to share a story with us.  We are even signing up ourselves to read books we've written during Writers' Workshop.  We're such great authors!  Email Ms. Conway if you'd like to come in.  Shhhh - don't forget - it's a secret...

Richie was a Mystery Reader and read the ABC book he wrote - we loved it!


  1. Gage William BriaMay 18, 2011 at 7:01 PM

    I liked the ABC book!

  2. Richie did a FANTASTIC job as the Mystery Reader. He worked so hard on creating his book and his drawings for the class! Can't wait to see who is K-C's next author and presenter!

  3. Thank you for making me a Mystery Reader.
